November 12, 2005

Pepero Day


In celebration of the most important holiday in Korea, students across Korea exchanged boxes of Pepero (also known as Pocky in Japan). I’ve loved these things since I was a little kid, especially the strawberry flavored kind. There are also chocolate, chocolate with nuts, and the huge 2-inch thick Mother of All Pepero, as well as many others.

So what is the deep-seated cultural heritage behind Pepero Day? Well, a long, long time ago (1994), in a land far far away (southeast coast of Korea), a group of warm-hearted middle school girls unknowingly founded a national holiday. As a simple encouragement to each other to grow tall and slim, they exchanged the wonderful gift of Pepero. This sweet and innocent gesture caught on in the surrounding areas and eventually spread across the entire nation. And so, a tradition was born. Adults and kids, young and old, began to exchange the tasty chocolate-covered treat in faith and in love. Conceived out of true friendship, these elegant offerings are worth far more than their actual monetary value may suggest. Heart to heart, they represent the sincere and profound feelings reserved only for one’s most cherished loved ones. It is not a gift given lightly, or without heartfelt consideration.

There are some who doubt the truth of this tale. There are some who say that Pepero Day is merely a marketing creation, spawned by a company's base desire for monetary gain. These heretics should be branded for anti-nationalism and imprisoned immediately without trial. They have no right to call themselves true Koreans. How can one even ponder such a despicable and baseless theory? This holiday was created by love. Anyone who says otherwise is simply blinding themselves to the truth because they have no one to love and are too bitter to accept it.

Hail the Pepero!

Daum news story on Pepero Day

Pic of the Day:

Sunrays over Hongik. Man...these autumn skies...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


none of this pepero c-r-a-p...

pocky existed first in 1965 =)

-Pocky girl

9:10 AM  
Blogger suddenly susan said...

yeah, but who was smart enough to come up with its own day.

2:50 PM  

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