November 09, 2005

Episode III

While we’re still on the subject of hair ( three posts in a row about hair!!), you may have been surprised by the fact that I had gone 2 and a half months without a haircut. Strangely, my hair seems to grow at a slower rate in Korea than in America. Or perhaps this is the first sign of baldness setting in? Or maybe my diet is severely lacking in the nutrient necessary for healthy hair growth? (I know my diet is severely lacking in many important nutrients, but let’s try to stay on task here.)

It really could be anything, but I’m convinced it’s because the hair is growing out in other parts of my body. Most noticeably, my chest. Yes, that’s right. I’m completing my de-evolutionary metamorphosis into an ape. I’ve already got the longs arms and a love for bananas. Now comes the rest of the body hair. Click here to see the seeds of life. ** WARNING ** Partial nudity! (aren't you lucky...)

Ugh. I’ve also been growing on my arms. I guess it’s not all that bad, but the day I start seeing some on my back, I’m heading for electrolysis or something. Hairy backs are naaaaasty.

[So ends the third installment to complete the award-winning "Hair Trilogy"]

Pic of the Day: I've decided that instead of just posting any old pic for the Pic of the Day, I'm going to post one that reflects my mood. Heh. This'll be interesting.

Cloudy sunset from campus today


Blogger Fuudie said...

Dude...sneezing out some cashews is NOT the same as barfing through one's nose.

12:59 PM  

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