October 28, 2005


Although my last post may have given the impression that I'm not busy, this past week has been death. Amid grading midterms and preparing midterm review powerpoint presentations, we've had some guest speakers come in to give talks. Following normal business protocol, the obligatory dinner and drinks have not gone unseen.

Thus, I'm now sitting at my computer at midnight with a headache and a lot of work left to do. Even after just two nights in one week, I'm convinced I'm not made for entertaining guests or clients. While fun, it's draining. Koreans drink soju like water and subscribe to the drinking motto: "'Til death do us part". I myself am the model of moderation, but today, after only having toast for breakfast, a bagel and trail mix bar for lunch, and a long island iced tea for dinner, I'm hurting.

I don't think I could ever survive in the Korean corporate environment, where you're expected to sit through frequent 4-hour long "office dinners" and get smashed with the boss.

Well, my brain isn't quite at full functioning capacity, so I'm gonna have to call it a night. Forget Korean class tomorrow morning, I have to prep.



Blogger Fuudie said...

Sounds like business school to me...

3:57 AM  

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