April 26, 2006

A bit late, but here are the pics. You were probably wondering, "What's the point of going on about how cute they are without posting pics?"


There are videos too, but I've only had time to upload one.

The toy of choice is still Mommy's tail - http://www.vidiLife.com/index.cfm?f=media.play&vchrMediaProgramIDCryp=04BDDC7E-B76E-4DF6-B41E-3

I'm really anxious to start giving them away. They were fine when they were little. They just slept and ate and looked cute. But then they got more active, and started scratching and biting everything in sight. They'd also crawl into boxes and run around at all hours of the night. They've also crapped in every corner of the house. I'm serious. And just when I think they're finally litter trained...

Paws: Hey, there aren't any more corners left.

Tiger: Hell, why don't we just do it on the middle of the floor?

Paws: Good idea!

The worst was when I came home one day and smelled a wonderful fragrance as I sat down at my computer. There was nothing next to the TV and nothing next to the desk. Then I peek under the desk and lo and behold, there's a nice smattering of kitty syrup splattered all over my computer cables. And this stuff was fresh. Not just salad fresh, I'm talking right off the Krispy Kreme line, piping hot fresh. I never knew how painful cleaning off so many wires could be.

Well, they're eating solid food now, which means it's about time. But Mia is still lactating and continues to let them feed. She should be trying to wean them! Oh and her #2's have gotten even worse than before, if that's even possible. But that's a story for another time.

April 17, 2006


Day 43

I’ve got a pretty good idea for their names, which are shown in the picture below. Here are the reasons why:

Tiger – Always aggressive, combat-oriented kitty. Soldier ready for war. He even hisses at me if I take an aggressive stance. He’s also striped black and grey, perfect camouflage.

Chibi – The runt of the litter. He gets pushed out by the others at feeding time and is by far the smallest. However, his small size has made him resourceful and quick. Also, despite his size, he can still put up a fight against Tiger when they play. He’s got that ninja finesse that Tiger’s brute force approach lacks.

Indie – The first one to step out of the comfort zone, this one is a born explorer. He’s the one who races around the apartment, has no fear of anything new, and is ready for adventure. Thus the reference to independence. As well as Indiana Jones.

Paws – It was hard thinking of a name for this guy. Shadow, Socks, Peter, Pan, Hat…all have their reasons. This guy likes chewing on his own paws a lot. He also likes to chase his own shadow. His ears are tapered, so it looks like he’s wearing a hat. When he fights, he almost never bites, just uses his paws. So in the end, Paws was the best. It’s also a cute name for a cute kitten.

Blackie – Not exactly PC, but I kept thinking it whenever I saw him, so it stuck. I tried hard to think of another name, something more along the lines of psychotic. See, this guy is totally schizo. He just sits in the box quietly, not doing much, maybe some napping. Then he goes ballistic for no reason and starts attacking anything that moves. Then he just plops down and doesn’t respond to any kind of stimulus. Maybe he’s just a spaz. Anyways, none of the names sounded fitting, so I stuck with Blackie.

April 13, 2006

Kitty Diaries

I procrastinated a lot, but here it is: a detailed account of the first month or so...

Ground Zero - February 28, 2006
Ji calls me up out of the blue and tells me that Phil found a cat by the lake. I’d been thinking about getting a cat for a few months now, but I’d given up because I just couldn’t find one. Do I want it? Do I want it NOW?

Day 1
I decide to keep her and end up bringing her home right after taking her to the vet and buying some supplies. She’s scared as hell and stays under the bed the entire time.

I dub her Mia, as in Mamma Mia.

Day 2
It’s the first day of classes, so I have to go to work, not knowing if I’ll come home to find my couch shredded to pieces. I half-expect a huge pile of crap on my bed to welcome me. Fortunately, I return to find her still under the bed. I like this cat already.

Day 3
I end up spending $40 on more supplies and another $40 on just food. I only spend $100 a month on just my own food and I’m at least 20 times her weight. How does that work?

She finally ventures out from the land down under (my bed), but is still deathly afraid of my horrifying tilt-and-swivel action rolling computer chair.

Day 5
I’ve been letting her sleep on my bed since she seemed to like it. But I couldn’t move around freely and she kept waking me up all the time by walking all over me, so I stopped. Now I just kick her off.

She likes sitting on top of the radiator staring out the window, 12 stories above the ground. I bet it gives her a sense of power.

Day 7
I begin to wonder if she’ll give birth soon, since she’s inhaling all her food and her belly has expanded an extra 30% of its previous size. She can’t even clean her own butt. (FYI for all you non-cat people, cats lick their own buttholes when they clean themselves. Elegant, I know.)

Day 9
I can’t stand it anymore. Her #2’s are stinkbombs. Sure, she may have an excuse that she can’t reach her own butt since she’s pregnant, but come on…it’s like she takes a huge dump in the litter box and then kicks it around just to spread the smell through the house.

Day 11
I’m playing my computer when she starts yowling. It’s the kind of shrieking noises one makes when they’re getting butt-pierced. I get the thought that she may be going into labor, so I peek under the bed and watch her for a while. I studied up on the whole cat pregnancy process, so I knew she’d go to a dark, quiet, comfortable place, break some fluid, and start popping them out. But there was no fluid and she stopped after a while and just sat there.

Three hours later I need to take a bathroom break from gaming. I walk into the bathroom to see Mia lying in the litter box with 5 (count ‘em FIVE) mini-Mia’s. WTF?! She gave birth and I didn’t even know?! She didn’t even make a sound! And FIVE? The vet said she only had two in her! …and why would she do it in the litter box...that’s just plain nasty…

Given that this was a week early, I frantically scour the internet for any tips on post-natal care. After a few hours of research, I conclude that I have to do basically nothing. I like that kind of conclusion.

Day 12
The kittens look the same as yesterday. Little balls of fur that look more like mice, with a single-minded purpose just to feed. They just lay there. And feed. Sometimes they make pathetic mewling sounds.

I try to move them to a box in the hallway, since Mia’s going to need the litter box to do her business. She goes ape and returns to the bathroom, kitten in tow, desperately searching for the litter box. So I let her keep it.

Day 14
I come home to find a huge steaming pile of crap on my bed. The juices had soaked right through the sheets and comforter, all the way down into the mattress. Wonderful. I guess you can’t blame her for holding it in for 3 days. But still…why the bed?

I forcibly remove her from her litter box home and give her a basket with blankets in it. She still wants to stay in the bathroom though, so I stick it in there along with all the kitties.

Day 16
Tragedy strikes. I come home to find a bloody mess in the box. Half of a kitten lies broken on the blanket. All five kittens are still there, so this must have been the sixth that never came out. I can only guess that it was a miscarriage. Now that I think about it, she did seem to have a bit too big of a belly after giving birth. Sad…

Day 18
One of the kittens finally opened his eyes. I have to admit that they’re cute when their eyes are shut so tightly, but they’re even cuter when they’re opened. I think about naming this guy something related to be being first, smart, or first-to-develop. He’s also the runt who gets batted away by the stronger ones during feeding time.

Day 21
They’ve started to play with each other, nibbling on each other’s legs and bapping each other’s faces with their paws. So cute! They’ve gotten really active, trying to sit up and stand without falling over. Most of the times they manage to get themselves up, but tip over at the faintest breeze.

Day 23
I make first contact with the kittens with Mia watching. (The previous times I’ve handled them were while I was distracting her.) She seemed pretty apprehensive and continuously murmured at me. (She can’t really growl, but can’t really meow. It kinda sounds like a retarded grunt.)

Day 25
We are mobile! One of the kittens has taken his first step into the outside world. I found him behind the toilet, exploring the new frontier, seeking out strange new worlds and civilizations.

Day 27
It’s so funny watching Mia clean them. They cry and try to get away, but she holds them down with one paw and just licks away. Sometimes she bathes them with such fervor that they flop right out of the bed. ^^ What’s nasty though, is that she also has to lick their butts to stimulate their bowel movements. What's even worse, is that right after, she licks their face!

Day 30
The brave explorer kitty ventures forth onto my feet, digging his claws in mercilessly. It hurts like crazy, but then he sniffs all over and the tickling overwhelms me. Mia is much more concerned than he is. She keeps staring me down and grunting, “What do you think you’re doing with my child?”

Day 32
Their play fighting is hilarious. The aggressive one gets so into beating down the runt that he goes into a rage. He pretty much loses all finesse and just bites anything that moves. Including himself. He mistakes his own leg for another’s and just starts chomping down without hesitation. He still annoys me though, as he bullies the others out of their feeding and takes up so much space that the runt can’t get in.

Day 35
She finally moved to the hallway. I had set out a nice big cardboard box with a pile of soft clothes in a nice dark area, but she had always refused to move out of the bathroom. I guess she finally got tired of me turning on the light and waking her up and disturbing the kitties. Or maybe it was my #2’s that finally smoked her out. Revenge, haha!

Day 38
She moved the whole family from the hallway to under my bed. I have no idea why. It’s cold and uncomfortable down there.

Day 39
The kitties have gone crazy exploring the new territory. They’re especially interested in ripping my schoolwork to shreds. They’ve gotten more active, but more cautious as well. Strange noises from my ever-frightening computer chair drive them back under the bed in a split second. Sounds from my neighbors also make them jump.

Day 41
She moved them all back to the box, I dunno why. They’ve also started trying to eat her food, but don’t yet have the strength to chew it. The runt started hacking on it, but luckily spit it out. I’ve raised the food bowl to a higher place. But then while Mia was eating, she tipped it over, and it was like a piñata had just gotten smashed open in front of a pack of wild-eyed sugar-craving 6-year-olds. I have to think of something better.

April 01, 2006


Well, it’s been a whole month since she started living with me, so I might as well tell you about her. Her name is Mia. My friend bumped into her by chance during one of his nightly jogs by the lake. Knowing that I’d be interested, he called me up right away. I wanted to know what she looked like, how old she was, the standard fare. After hearing his side, I decided to give it a go.

I went to see her the next day. She looked older than I thought, but seemed nice enough, not dirty or trashy or anything. So we took her to the doctor. The doc said she looked fine, but what was with her bloated belly? Then he did an ultrasound, and man, did we get a surprise. She was pregnant! She had two babies in there and was due in a couple weeks! Just like any man would, I started to panic and was making for the door. But I knew I really couldn’t do that now, it’d be too cruel. So I took her in. And that’s how it all started.

If you didn’t figure it out by now, Mia is not human. (Some of the people who read this blog aren’t too bright, so I’m spelling it out for you. ^0^) She is in fact, a cat. So I’ll drop the ruse and give a brief account of the past month and how this furball has invaded my home.