December 28, 2005


We're now in Beijing, seeing the sights. Hong Kong consisted of 2 things: eating and shopping. But we mostly did the former. A lot.

Most of the meals we had were banquet-style, which consisted of several courses of fatty Chinese food, concluding with multiple desserts. (think fried noodles, fried pig skin, and ice cream that has twice your daily recommended value of fat in one serving.)

Allow me to continue. We had these 7+ course meals spaced in intervals of 4 hours. And we snacked incessantly during these intervals. We were also driven around everywhere, so we didn't walk much. You could probably guess the results of such gluttony, but I was still surprised when I weighed myself. After just 3 days I had gained about 4kg (9lbs.) 9lbs! That's like 3lbs. per day! Nasty! But it seems like I maxed out at that number. (Though we kept eating the same amount of food for 2 more days, I didn't gain any more. Kinda like that guy from "Super Size Me")

Of course, everyone will say that it's good and that I'm too skinny anyway and that I need to gain weight. And I have no problem with that. Except that this is all fat. I'm going to have to do some major exercising when I get back. -_-;;;

Pic of the Day

I would have posted pics of every meal ala Suddenly Susan. But one: I forgot to bring my aforementioned USB cable to transfer pics, and two: I'm not even close to being the food nut that she is. Her reaction to a dish is: Wow, what an interesting blend of flavors, the dash of mint draws out the [...insert string of unintelligibly complex culinary vocabulary here...] While my approach to food is: huh, what's that? Can I eat it? Mm, not bad.


Blogger suddenly susan said...

hey 5,
sounds like my kind of vacation. i want the full food report plus pictures when you get back.
the food nut

2:21 AM  

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