June 27, 2005


I came across a thread on a message board that caught my eye. Someone had the bright idea of creating words in English that may or may not relate to their life experiences in Korea. I wonder if they'll actually take off and create a kind of ESL slang culture here. Here are the ones that I found to be the most original.

desolatte (v.) - to make lonely, forlorn, or wretched by prohibiting coffee

herode (n.) - the effect of time on a courageous or valiant person

stareanoid (n.) - that feeling that everybody is looking at you, distrust of those who look at you, and the compulsion to get away from anybody who might be looking at you

precrastinate (v.) - to make an early start at delaying something

disingenius (adj.) - insincere in a really clever way

escaloiter (v.) - to step off a moving escalator and then stop immediately in the path of all those behind while looking around (usually with an expression of confusion or vacuousness).

"Idle ESL teachers' hands" are the devil's handiwork.


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