May 16, 2006

Kitty Pix II

Been busy. And lazy. All the critters are now gone, save Tiger. I think I’m gonna keep him.

It was kind of hard giving them away. Even though they woke me up at five in the morning every day, when people came to take them I tried to keep them for just a little while longer.

Here are the final pics of the family together:

April 26, 2006

A bit late, but here are the pics. You were probably wondering, "What's the point of going on about how cute they are without posting pics?"

There are videos too, but I've only had time to upload one.

The toy of choice is still Mommy's tail -

I'm really anxious to start giving them away. They were fine when they were little. They just slept and ate and looked cute. But then they got more active, and started scratching and biting everything in sight. They'd also crawl into boxes and run around at all hours of the night. They've also crapped in every corner of the house. I'm serious. And just when I think they're finally litter trained...

Paws: Hey, there aren't any more corners left.

Tiger: Hell, why don't we just do it on the middle of the floor?

Paws: Good idea!

The worst was when I came home one day and smelled a wonderful fragrance as I sat down at my computer. There was nothing next to the TV and nothing next to the desk. Then I peek under the desk and lo and behold, there's a nice smattering of kitty syrup splattered all over my computer cables. And this stuff was fresh. Not just salad fresh, I'm talking right off the Krispy Kreme line, piping hot fresh. I never knew how painful cleaning off so many wires could be.

Well, they're eating solid food now, which means it's about time. But Mia is still lactating and continues to let them feed. She should be trying to wean them! Oh and her #2's have gotten even worse than before, if that's even possible. But that's a story for another time.

April 17, 2006


Day 43

I’ve got a pretty good idea for their names, which are shown in the picture below. Here are the reasons why:

Tiger – Always aggressive, combat-oriented kitty. Soldier ready for war. He even hisses at me if I take an aggressive stance. He’s also striped black and grey, perfect camouflage.

Chibi – The runt of the litter. He gets pushed out by the others at feeding time and is by far the smallest. However, his small size has made him resourceful and quick. Also, despite his size, he can still put up a fight against Tiger when they play. He’s got that ninja finesse that Tiger’s brute force approach lacks.

Indie – The first one to step out of the comfort zone, this one is a born explorer. He’s the one who races around the apartment, has no fear of anything new, and is ready for adventure. Thus the reference to independence. As well as Indiana Jones.

Paws – It was hard thinking of a name for this guy. Shadow, Socks, Peter, Pan, Hat…all have their reasons. This guy likes chewing on his own paws a lot. He also likes to chase his own shadow. His ears are tapered, so it looks like he’s wearing a hat. When he fights, he almost never bites, just uses his paws. So in the end, Paws was the best. It’s also a cute name for a cute kitten.

Blackie – Not exactly PC, but I kept thinking it whenever I saw him, so it stuck. I tried hard to think of another name, something more along the lines of psychotic. See, this guy is totally schizo. He just sits in the box quietly, not doing much, maybe some napping. Then he goes ballistic for no reason and starts attacking anything that moves. Then he just plops down and doesn’t respond to any kind of stimulus. Maybe he’s just a spaz. Anyways, none of the names sounded fitting, so I stuck with Blackie.